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Success stories

No more hyperventilation and sleep way better


Hello Ingrid,

After my heart attack I ended up with you to follow a course / training against hyperventilation. I had several complaints. Fear was especially important. I was afraid going to sleep. I used sleeping medication and oxazepam. Wrong breathing made me feel like my throat was squeezing and there was a marble in my throat. My shoulders were also very tense.

After the first visit to the Breathing Academy of the Delferro institute I went home with my breathing exercises. I also immediately stopped taking my medication. I immediately noticed a difference. After the third time, my complaints disappeared. I can relax better by practicing. Sleeping is getting better day by day.

I am glad I followed this course. Not only learning to breathe again, but also the conversations together. The private 1 on 1 sessions and your explanation and patience have helped me a lot. Despite the fact that I no longer have any complaints, I keep repeating the exercises.

It gives me a wonderfully relaxed feeling. No more tense shoulders! No fear of going to sleep!

Thank you very much for helping me so much.



Sandra • 49 • course overcome hyperventilation