Ingrid Del Ferro candidate for political party Splinter
I am proud to inform you that I have been asked by party leader and current member of the Dutch Parliament Femke Merel van Kooten, to join the candidate list of her new political party Splinter.
I support Splinter because I applaud their program. Splinter wants everyone in The Netherlands to have access to high quality, accessible and affordable care and is therefore strongly in favor of including non-regular stutter therapies in the basic health insurance.
But also in the field of Art and Culture, Splinter wants to offer security for those who inspire our country, who make the Netherlands more beautiful and aesthetic. Artists and the cultural sector can therefore count on Splinter’s support. The overall amount in the national budget that is spent on art and culture is therefore increased.
Finally a party that protects what is vulnerable and stands for a solidary society. Splinter speaks clear language and is courageous. Splinter makes well-considered decisions and takes the lead. Splinter loves authenticity and gives us all an important voice through its unique online fractions room. Here you can (anonymously) pass on your suggestions, ideas and/or opinions so that you can be heard.
So do you think that for example;
- Health care providers should structurally get a better salary?
- The excess with the health insurer should be abolished?
- The current proliferation of health insurance policies with non-transparent conditions should be scrapped?
- A health insurer should no longer refuse anyone?
- Extremely high remuneration, profit distributions and bonuses at the top of the health care sector should be abolished, so that the money saved can be used to free up more hands at the bedside for the people who actually provide the care?
Visit the website of Splinter and read in understandable language what Splinter stands for!
How cool would it be if non-regular stutter therapies would be covered by the basic insurance, so everyone in The Netherlands would get a real chance to follow the therapy that suits them best.
Warmest regards,
Ingrid Del Ferro